


End-to-end Mobile App Design


Food has the power to make us feel good, but it’s not always easy to find the taste you crave. How might we make it easier for people to locate food items that aren’t conventionally available in their current location?


Responsive Website for a Local Business

tofu catalan

An authentic tofu shop in Barcelona faces a challenge with rising expectations and cultural barriers. How might we help them attract more customers?


Adding a Feature


Adding a feature to edX, an online learning platform offering university-level courses. how might we keep students engaged so they complete their course?


Responsive Web Design

kaus home insurance

Insurance is one of the most misunderstood industries. How might we help a 30+ year old insurance company transform their branding and website to attract younger generations?


Real-Life Project

Fluent City

Fluent City, an online language learning start-up, seeks to increase the adoption rate of a feature in their newly launched Learning Management System (LMS). How might we encourage teachers to use the lesson summary feature more?