

Hi, I'm Mayu


I’m a designer with a passion for discovering the “why” of people, products, and beyond.



End-to-end Mobile App Design


People’s eating preferences has diversified significantly in the last few decades. How might we make it easier for people to locate cross-cultural food items that aren’t conventionally available?


Responsive Website for a Local Business

Tofu Catalan

An authentic tofu shop in Barcelona faces a challenge with rising expectations and cultural barriers. How might we help Tofu Catalan attract more customers?


Adding a Feature


Adding a feature to edX, an online learning platform offering university-level courses. how might we keep students engaged so they complete their course?


Responsive Web Design

Kaus insurance

Insurance is one of the most misunderstood industries. How might we help a long-established insurance company transform their image to attract younger generations?


Real-Life Project

Fluent City

Fluent City, an online language learning start-up, seeks to increase the adoption rate of a feature in their newly launched Learning Management System (LMS). How might we encourage teachers to use the lesson summary feature more?